Wiredrive - Startup France French Tech Los Angeles


Le meilleur outil collaboratif pour gérer, planifier et tracker tout vos médias.

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The Wiredrive story begins in 1999 with Bill Sewell, Taylor Tyng, and Mitch Bassett creating a design agency called IOWA (Input Output Web Applications) that grew to serve the nation’s top ad agencies and production companies. Like many agencies, IOWA needed a better way to share large images and videos with clients, and a way to collect feedback or approval. As a matter of business necessity, they built what would grow to become Wiredrive — a system that would flawlessy share large files and serve as a single spot to collaborate and collect all reviews for a project.

Once clients experienced this new solution, they immediately wanted it for themselves. Demand grew so much that by 2008, the IOWA team exited their still thriving agency business to focus exclusively on Wiredrive.

Today, Wiredrive helps more than 1,500 customers around the world share and collaborate more effectively and securely. The company is based in Los Angeles’ Silicon Beach. And Bill, Taylor, and Mitch are still combining their talents – along with the talents of a growing team – to help clients create, organize, and share great work.

Laurent Ruben , French Accelerator - 04/09/2017 - 23:45