La communauté des startupers Français à French Tech Los Angeles

60 membres

Fabrice Dumans


Thomas Amilien

Clay / CEO

Jonathan STERN

French Accelerator

Laurent Ruben

French Accelerator

Frédéric Pedro

Expert Teleportation, CEO

Estelle Garnier

French Accelerator, Co-Founder, VP Marketing & Operations

Alexandre Mayeux

French Accelerator - Marketing Associate

Astrid le Moine

Attachée de Presse et Communication - Consulat Général de France à Los Angeles

Marion Laveissiere

French-American Chamber of Commerce ; Head of Business Development

Paul Michel

Consultant at HBOT Advisors

Charles Girault

From Paris To LA, COO

Henry Laborbe

Student (Legal Intern, Business developer)

Gabrielle Merite

Attachée adjointe - Service Scientifique du Consulat de France aux Etats-Unis

Serge Depelchin



AMOS - Marketing/Communication

Osvaldo Colavin

Octandem LLC, consultant