What does "active learning" mean in AI and how can it save you time and money on data annotation? Discover the Kairntech experience 🚀 | Événements Start up Les Pépites Tech
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3 années 4 mois ago
Jeudi 17 décembre 2020

ello everyone and welcome on board to our new December webinar!

We all heard that "data is the new oil". However, just like its petroleum predecessor, data is of no use until it is processed. One processing step that is often required for unstructured data (e.g. text, images, audio and video files) is data annotation. This is done manually, can require highly trained domain experts (e.g. engineers, medical doctors, etc), and is one of the major hurdles on the way to democratizing AI due to the time and expenses involved.

What if we could enlist AI's help in dealing with data labelling? This is the solution proposed by the field called "active learning": having the machine learning model itself request labels for the data that it deems most useful for its training.

This webinar will start off by Scaleway's Machine Learning Engineer Olga Petrova presenting the theory behind active learning. We will then hear from Kairntech, a french startup working on an AI-powered NLP (Natural Language Processing) platform. We will learn how Kairntech harnesses active learning and automatic pre-labelling to offer a superior user experience and substantial savings to its clients who need to annotate data for NLP tasks. Finally, we will discuss the infrastructure requirements for making this all happen in a cost-efficient and scalable way on the cloud.

How datasets used to train Artificial Intelligence models are constructed
What is active machine learning and how to apply it to classification and named-entity recognition tasks
What are some common issues that arise when applying active learning in practice
When to use CPUs vs. GPUs for active learning

See you soon to learn more about AI and "active learning"!

