Skeepers - Startup France


Solutions SaaS pragmatiques et ROIstes pour permettre aux marques de créer de la valeur par et pour leurs clients.

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SKEEPERS offers “people-smart” SaaS solutions to enable brands to create value from and for their customers. Its offer focuses on 3 key levers to strengthen the relational intelligence of brands in a win-win paradigm with their audiences:

• Engage: generation of ratings reviews and user generated contents to enhance advocacy
• Improve: management of the continuous improvement of the customer experience and customer centricity
• Activate: Automate relationships based on relevance, recognition and reward.

Machine learning and blockchain are at the heart of its data management system.

Compte Officiel #LPT , Orpailleur de Pépites French Tech - 11/03/2021 - 13:19