NOERDEN - Startup France French Tech Grand Paris, French Tech Shanghai


We design smart products all connected to one APP for active people around the world to track their biometrics and improve their daily health.

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We are a new French brand created by a young multicultural team in Paris and Shanghai, all driven by one mission: inspire healthy lifestyle.

We create smart products with intelligent design for active people living in bustling cities around the world to track their biometrics. From smart watches and body scales to blood pressure monitors, our products are all designed for daily use to improve your health.
Because healthy living has a different meaning for each of us, our App provides clear health analysis for everyone to find life balance at his/her own pace.

We are part of BUTLER INDUSTRIES, a 25-year old preeminent European industrial investment firm with experience in new technologies, healthcare and IT.

Lea Hindelang , NOERDEN Directrice Marketing - 12/12/2017 - 01:05