3rdKind Inc - Startup France French Tech Tokyo

3rdKind Inc

Japanese smartphone game publisher

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3rdKind Inc. is a Japanese game publsiher, focusing on culturization, marketing and live operation for the Japanese market. The company co publish overseas game with KDDI, the second biggest carrier in Japan and work with local partner to increase the visibility of developer's game (IP/brand Collaboration, User Acquisition). Most successful titles: Happy Street (ハッピーストリート) Pocketmine (ディグディグ) Produced titles: Hello Kitty World Helo Kitty Candy

Frederic Nouel , 3rdKind Inc., CEO 07/10/2015 - 08:45

3rdKind Inc. is a Japanese game publsiher, focusing on culturization, marketing and live operation for the Japanese market.
The company co publish overseas game with KDDI, the second biggest carrier in Japan and work with local partner to increase the visibility of developer's game (IP/brand Collaboration, User Acquisition).

Most successful titles:
Happy Street (ハッピーストリート)
Pocketmine (ディグディグ)

Produced titles:
Hello Kitty World
Helo Kitty Candy

3rdKind Inc., CEO
- 14/10/2015 - 15:38