Babun - Startup France French Tech Grand Paris


Babun is the first Bot, Startup/Entrepreneurs assistant

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Babun will help you find the best tools and service providers for your start'ups... You can also get advices on your entrepreneurial venture by talking with the Babun

Slack + Messenger:
No need to learn how to use another app. Chat with Babun the same way you do with your friends, from a familiar, intuitive messaging interface.

Bots + Human:
Babun is not just a bot. Babun is a smart monkey helped by human experts. So if you need anything from design to development through finance just ask Babun.

Datas + Machine Learning:
Babun tracks and analyse every requests and refines its results over time. Each conversation makes Babun more intelligent and autonomous.

Ben Chamla , Co-Founder and COO at Upperlife - 17/08/2016 - 22:00