LeadIn - Startup France


LeadIn, logiciel de prospection automatisée LinkedIn et E-mail

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LeadIn LeadIn LeadIn, logiciel de prospection automatisée LinkedIn et E-mail 22870 lpt22870 1 0 5 1 1
Portrait de Alex Afrentoaiei

Alex Afrentoaiei

Avantages : The tool never worked for me even though I waited for them for 2 weeks

Inconvénients : if you do no pay attention to their payment policy, they will steal the money from your card.

Commentaire : I have cancelled the subscription right after their failure to make it work for me and I even got a message/pop up that the subscription was cancelled. It was not enough, they charged my card 3 times with about 300 EUR and never did a refund for a tool I have never used. I managed to close the subcription thru a very complex procedure controlled by them, the normal user cannot do it. So be very carefull!

Alex Afrentoaiei utilise LeadIn depuis 1 mois.


Découvrez la puissance de l’automatisation multicanal hyper-personnalisée et générez des centaines de nouvelles opportunités B2B avec vos prospects idéaux.

Clément D , Fondateur - 21/09/2021 - 04:43

Gérer mes campagnes de prospection n'a jamais été aussi simple ! Comme ils le disent si bien, on paramètre et on active le pilote automatique ! Super outil !

Shipotsu - CMO
- 29/09/2021 - 09:01