15M€ investit dans La French Tech cette semaine | Page 7 | Les Pépites Tech

15M€ investit dans La French Tech cette semaine

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Les Pépites Tech

15M€ investit dans La French Tech cette semaine

Relevé hebdomadaire effectué par la banque d'affaires spécialiste de l'industrie numérique eCap Partner. ecap-partner.com

Care Labs - 5.2 M€

Health and Beauty

Care Labs is at the origin of Chèque Santé, a provider of health care solutions through prepaid products and web services for companies and mutual companies.

Investors: IXO Private Equity, Soridec

Adveez - 3.3 M€

Media, Culture and Entertainment

Adveez is specialized in IoT solutions for the localization of objects and people to improve their mobility and security.

Investors: business angels, Plume Finance, M Capital Partners

Artsper - 2 M€

Media, Culture and Entertainment

Artsper is a markeplace dedicated to the sale of contemporary artworks.

Investors: business angels

Azur Drones - 2 M€

Enterprise Software

Azur Drones operates drones for cartography, topography and thermography.

Investors: not disclosed

Delight - 1.15 M€

Media, Culture and Entertainment

Delight is a SaaS platform dedicated to professionals of live entertainment which provides tools to optimize the production and marketing of their shows and events.

Investors: business angels, SATT Lutech

Little Big Connection - 1 M€

HR, Education, Training, Jobbing

Little Big Connection is a social network and a marketplace dedicated to recruiting IT & Engineering freelancers.

Investors: not disclosed

Demooz - 800 000€

Services to Individuals

Demooz enables its users to try a hi-tech product in real conditions with a customer who owns the product.

Investors: ZTP, Side Capital, Bpifrance

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